News & Information

At Bruceville Point, we believe that knowledge is power - the path to living life the way you choose. Here’s where you’ll have all the latest news and information at your fingertips, so that you can keep yourself and your family in the know. This is your resource for everything about senior living, so please let us know if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover!

Senior Living Lifestyle

Tips for Deciding if the Senior Living Lifestyle Is What You Really Want

The day has finally arrived. You are free from many of life’s responsibilities and no longer in need of a large family home to maintain. You’re looking forward to all […]

aging in place

How Safe Is Your Home for Aging in Place? 

While the majority of people 65 and older say they want to stay in their home to grow older, commonly referred to as aging-in-place, over one-third revealed in a recent […]

benefits of senior living

5 Benefits of Senior Living to Know 

Older adults know this time in their lives can be one of great joy and happiness. After careers, raising children and other responsibilities comes the chance to enjoy what matters […]


Is Senior Living the Right Choice for Me? 

As we grow older, we begin to rediscover the joys of living. We may now have more time and opportunities to spend with family and friends and create a fulfilled […]


Weighing the Senior Living Care Options 

Imagine seeing your parents as they confidently look ahead to the week’s activities. Gone are their concerns about security. They no longer worry about falling while trying to navigate the […]

tips for funding

Tips for Funding Senior Living Expenses

You’ve worked hard all your life – at a career, raising a family or taking care of other responsibilities. But isn’t it time to take a step back and enjoy […]